Please join the RCMP Indigenous Policing Section, Cowichan Community Policing & Engagement, South Cowichan Community Policing, Cowichan Valley Basket Society and M’akola Housing Society with a food drive. All proceeds will be donated to the Cowichan Valley Basket Society.

Help the community overflow the canoe with non-perishable food items located in front of the entrance to the Real Canadian Superstore in Duncan. Every person deserves reliable access to food & water, so join us in helping those in need by dropping off a donation, spreading the word, or come by and say hello!

Top 10 needed items:

  • Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken, Canned Ham and Canned Turkey
  • Breakfast Cereal, Pancake mix, Syrup and Jam.
  • Soups, Canned Chili or Stews
  • Juices (1 litter & drinking boxes), Children’s Lunch Snack Items, Granola Bars, Bottled Water
  • Side Kicks, Macaroni & Cheese, Rice and Pasta
  • Canned Vegetables and Canned Fruits,
  • Sugar, Coffee, Condiments (Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Mustard and Relish)
  • Cat & Dog Food
  • Laundry Soap, Travel Soaps and Shampoo
  • Reusable Grocery Bags

location: The Real Canadian Superstore 291 Cowichan Way, Duncan BC V9L 4T8

Time: 11:00am-4:00pm